". . . [NOT] WITH A 40 FOOT POLL!"

Okay, grab several number 2 pencils (sharpen them, too. I can't stress that enough), take your seats, try not to sweat on your keyboard, and get ready for the test. But remember, if you fail, I know where you live (oh, and your dog gets it). No preasure.

1. What are your feelings towards people? (check only one)

Oh! When I see a person, I get all gushy inside! I just want to hug them to death!

I like people. They're fine folk. Especially the opposite sex!

People are OK, I guess. I mean, sometimes they get on my nerves, but what are ya gonna do?

People? Where? Edna, get my shot gun! They're games afoot!

2. If you could commit one criminal act without being sentenced to prison, what would it be? (click all that apply)

I'd rob a bank because I'm a person, and people are naturally greedy (if you are a homeless man, that last statement does not apply to you)

I would do as Roberto Begnini put it "have sex with all of you"

I would grab my trusty automatic weapon, climb into the clock tower, and start picking off padestrians

Get illegal perscriptions for Prozac, and sell them to kids at a local day care center

3. Last question, listen good. Follow these intrusctions: DON'T READ THIS. How'd you do?

How'd I do on what?

Read what?

I don't understand the question

I'm a good human, I admit I failed

Now, that wasn't so bad, was it? They'll be another test next month. And bring pens next time, I noticed a lot of erasing going on.

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