"Amazing"? Yeah right. I was born, I lived a few years, I lived a few years longer, I'm still alive. Pretty boring stuff, actually. No, I'm not bored (wait a minute, then why did I write create a web site?), but you might be, reading all this crap. I'm not going to put much here because, if you hate me, you'll just go straight to the Rants 'N Raves section and send me an ungrounded hate mail. And if you like me, you don't want to shatter your likable image of me by reading the truth. So TURN BACK NOW! Okay, if ya stayed, it all began one cold winter night on Jan 20th (Super Bowl day), 1985. I was born ten minutes before my sister, two years after my brother, and one year before my other brother. They named me *it's a secret* and gave me my Grandmother's name for my middle name; Shirley (this should give you some insight to what sex I am). Since I was five or six, I grew up in Cincinnati, OH. I homeschooled since second grade, and will be going to a public school to repeat 8th grade in August 1999. That about covers it. Now, some Useless Facts:

Interests: I have lots.

Turn Ons: Guys

Turn Offs: Immaturity (ironic, ain't it)

Pet Peeves: Bare feet, snoring, picking ones nose

Biggest Fear: I'm claustrophobic, so I'm afriad of closed in places.

Most Cherished Thing In Life: I have two, actually: 1. My dreams 2. My God given ability to create things and entertain myself

Random Facts: I have a wonderful dog named Tootsie. I'm convinced she (and all dogs) is an alien. I try to live life day by day. It's not working.

Pretty bleak, isn't it. Welp, that's me. Um . . . I don't believe I have anything else to say. Except that, um, along with people, I hate easy cheese.

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