I have no real commentary to provide the beginning of the page with, so, we'll just start things off. But first, if you want to download an image, right click your mouse and then choose 'save as'. If this does not work for you, sorry, I can't help.

TV Show/Movie: TV, The Simpsons
Name: Charles Montgomery Burns
Age: Some say he is 104
Motive For Hating People: He is an old, cynile man. He gets off on other peoples misery. The only real reason I can think of for him to hate people, is because he fears them. How does Smithers put up with this guy?

TV Show/Movie: TV, The Simpsons
Name: Bart Simpson
Age: He has been 10 for about six years
Motive For Hating People: He doesn't really hate all people. He only despises teachers and authority figures. Why? Becuase he's a rebel without a cause, man!

TV Show/Movie: TV, Daria
Name: Daria Morgendorffer
Age: I believe she is 15, but she could quite possibily be 16
Motive For Hating People: Well, gee, she could explain it a lot better than I ever could. In fact, she does everynight on her show. Don't you watch it?

TV Show/Movie: Movie, Scream
Name: Billy Loomis, Ghost Face, the killer, etc
Age: Well, he's dead now, but he was 17
Motive For Hating People: He must hate people if he goes around killing them. He was always a psycho. Scary movies just made him more creative.

TV Show/Movie: Movie, Silence of the Lambs
Name: Hannible Lecter
Age: I have no idea
Motive For Hating People: Actually, Hannible considered people quite the delicacy.

Aren't those characters lovely? Daria is my favorite. I'm not much aware of how many people-who-hate-people charcters there are out there. Please, if you know of any, help me out by sending the basic information on them (movie/tv, name, motive, etc). More added soon. :)

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