When I Dream
I See It Well
People All Around Me
This Is My Hell

There Are No Pits Of Fire,

Savage Beasts Or Black Oil,
Just These Dishonest Faces
That Make Me Quiver, Make Me Coil

They Probe Me For My Deepest Thoughts

They Perceive Me As Naive
But I Am Keen To Their Wicked Plots
Me, They Will Not Deceive

And When I Wake
It Does Not Fade
This Thing That I Feel,
My Trust They Will Take
And Their Love Is Never Real

But In The End, We'll Destroy Ourselves
This Race Which We Call Human
Civilized, I Think We're Not
For Deep Down, We're Coldhearted Men And Women

As you can plainly see by ready my above poem, I do not enjoy people very much. Don't get mad,

I don't hate you personally. I simply despise our human race. And, yes I know, I'm a person too,
and I often find that I can let others down with the best of them. But, hey, that's our nature, right?
Wrong. We could easily change our deceptive ways, but we are all too lazy to do so. Hell,
sometimes I'm even too lazy to update this site. And yes, I admit to being a hypocrite. I want people
to change their ways, yet I don't change myself. So, if you have any mean words or obscene
comments (I'm sure you'll come up with something) about me or this site, I strongly urge you to send
me your rants.

Now, you may think that just because I had a bad experience with some people, that it's no reason to start hating the entire human race. Welp, I beg to defer. Every person I have encountered, including family members, has, in some way or form, abused my trust and loyalty. And I'm sure that even your loving boyfriend/girlfriend has at least cheated on you once. Or done something to cause you two to go on a "break". Everyone you are acquainted with has probably used your feelings against you, even in its smallest form. Don't you hate that?

This site is simply to remind us that we suck. No matter how much we don't want to, we have to face the music that we suck. But before you go any further in this web site, let me get one thing straight: Even though I despise people in general, I would never do anything on a conscious level to inflict pain on a person. I would never, nor do I want to, savagely kill or physically hurt a fellow human being. Partly because it is inevitable that we someday destroy ourselves, and partly because I fear God. This is not a cult site. I do not encourage anyone to start acting on their hatred towards their fellow man. And I would never hurt anyone's feelings purposely, nor would I abuse someone's trust in me.

With that said, enjoy this site to its fullest extent. :)

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P.S. My self-inflicted nickname is The Hermit. Please address me as that in your e-mails or guestbook entries. :)